You know those email offers that you sign up for only to delete later? It was one of those things. Roo hasn't had a nice picture taken in awhile and I received an offer of 43 prints + 5 postcards & a free wall hanging of your favorite pose for $19.99 from Portrait Innovations in my inbox. I hadn't heard anything bad about them, and I figured that they couldn't be any worse than our Picture Me (Walmart) or Olan Mills (small studio in Meijers) experiences, so why not? Have I mentioned how horrible almost all of Roo's school pictures have been?? Which is understandable.. because school pictures are taken in the gym.. and, in her mind, the gym is not made for standing in lines, looking nice, and smiling for a picture, then leaving.. The gym is for running around, getting the wiggles out, downward dog, and gym class! Sometimes the gym is for movies, plays and musical instruments... but those are all a toss up. You never know how she's going to do during a convocation. Anyway, that is my personal, logical explanation for why she can't take a good school picture when she loves school so much. It has to be violating her "rules."
We get to the studio a few minutes late, carting in 2 backpacks and purse stuffed extra full of things to keep her happy if things started going south. The hubby is just holding Roo's hand, leading her inside. (I swear, "pack mull" should be added to the job description of a mother! :-) ) I quietly informed the photographer of her autism diagnosis, explained that I understood that there was a minimum amount of pictures she had to take, told her that we would do our best, but when Roo was done, she was done. She seemed very understanding. Anyway! Long story short, she did amazing. Incredible. She made it through 90 photo shots, and an outfit change without a single tear, then sat in a chair with her iPad for another half hour while her dad and I went through them. She shocked us all! These are some of my favorites!
~*Never Give Up!*~