This morning we woke up to the furnace trying to start over and over again. And it was cold.
"We're out of gas!" Terry hollered. "Poop," I thought and went to check the thermostat. It was at 63 so the furnace had only been struggling to heat the house for a couple of hours.
For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, we heat our house with propane gas. There's a big tank behind the house and we fill it up as needed. We were running low at the beginning of fall, but also low on funds. So, we only had a hundred gallons put in to get us by for awhile, & then we forgot about it.
This is how we started our new year--Cold & then Colder. Even after the space heaters got going, it was still chilly. I could have really used a shower this morning, but the thought of facing an icy bathroom afterwards drove all desire of that away. Not happening!
Roo was okay. She doesn't seem to mind the cold as much as we do, but allowing her to run around a chilly house seemed like a bad idea. She & I are constantly fighting off earaches and sinus infections lately, and the ever fluctuating weather is probably the culprit. So I plopped her in a chair by a space heater, stuck a hoodie & some fuzzy socks on her, and gave her the iPad. Tada! Problem solved.
Later we had dinner at my parents house (yummy lasagna & salad with rolls) to celebrate the New Year, and asked to stay the night & that's where we are now.. in a warm house, filled with leftovers, because the gas company charges an extra $150 to deliver on a holiday. My husband has decided to endure the cold at home though. He made several excuses.. anything from watching over the cat & the guinea pigs, to it would just be easier because I go to work in the morning, but you know what I think the real reason is? He doesn't want to share the guest bed with me and Roo. In a way I understand.... Even as I type this, she's laying sideways across a queen sized bed, hogging it.. But still, it's going to be cold tonight! I love him, but he's an idiot. :) I wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!
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